Tag Archives: shoulder massage

Tutorial Video: Shoulder Massage With Arm Manipulation

This is one of my favorite things: cradling the arm while working with the shoulder girdle.

From the client’s perspective, it feels floaty and stretchy and satisfying. For me, it means working with the traps, pecs, and rotator cuff from lots of angles with varying degrees of stretch. Once you’re done, the entire region should feel quite a bit warmer and looser, all without having to work too hard.

Some quick tips that I didn’t cover in the video:

  • If your client’s arm is “floating” (i.e., if they’re trying to help or just can’t relinquish control), it can be useful to pin their arm to your torso. This might be too far into some people’s personal space, so it’s a good idea to get informed consent first. For me it sounds like this: “Do you mind if I sandwich your arm between my arm and my torso?”
  • I demonstrate using a soft fist on the lateral scapula to work with the teres muscles; realize that this and the pec work can easily be done through the drape if your client would otherwise be uncomfortable.
  • This is just the beginning! Once you become fluent in this arm rocking business, you can incorporate similar things in side-lying and even prone massage. There are applications to leg and hip work too, but I’ll leave that for another video 🙂

By the way, there’s ANOTHER new video out today, just for the folks kind enough to support me directly on Patreon. It’s about places to pour your pressure on the pelvis, which is stuff I learned from Thai massage and shiatsu. A great way to round out hip work.

Let me know what you think in the comments! I’d especially love some trip reports from people who try this out. Did you have any difficulty working like this? Were the transitions easy enough, or were they awkward? Did you come up with any other cool stuff to do from this position? ... continue reading.