Tag Archives: clothed massage

Massage Tutorial Video: Working With Fully Clothed Clients

New massage tutorial video! This one’s on how to work with fully clothed clients:

This can seem a little intimidating if you always work with oil, or if you don’t have much experience with chair massage. The trick is to embrace the traction rather than trying to replicate the glide of your usual technique. What advantages do you have now that your hands stick like glue?

I see this as an opportunity to really sink into myofascial release. Because you can displace superficial tissue without sliding off, you can try new angles and really sit with them. For instance, try engaging the erector spinae tissue and dragging it out laterally, then staying put for a while. Have the client breathe as you feel the consistency of the tissue under your hands and wait for it to soften. This can have effects on the back that longitudinal strokes can’t quite achieve! ... continue reading.