Tag Archives: business

Building Your Massage Business (With a Little Help From My Friends)

People ask me about business stuff a lot, but… I stink at business stuff. I don’t promote myself often, or answer phones, or leave my house. I basically maintain a Facebook blog, advertise, and let clients come to me. This works for me and my social nopeness, but there are ways of tapping into your local client base quicker, finding the right people for your business, and getting the ball rolling in months rather than years. I can’t help you there, but I’ve got friends who can.

Allissa Haines and Michael Reynolds run the Massage Business Blueprint, which I’ve been an advocate for since it began. I’ve even helped with a podcast and an article (they were about working with the gluteal region, so we got to say the word “butt” a lot). In fact, they bring in experts in different fields regularly, so it’s a good way of hearing a lot of viewpoints about massage and business. ... continue reading.

How to Use a Facebook Page to Build Your Massage Business

Most massage therapists I know don’t have a Facebook business page and, frankly, it blows my mind. Facebook is how I get 50% of my new clients, and the other half is from word-of-mouth… originating from people who probably found me on Facebook. It’s a shiny new era, my friends, one that doesn’t require you to put an ad in the yellow pages or on the radio. Heck, it barely requires you to have a phone. As Facebook continues its mission to replace all other forms of human communication, it increasingly represents an easy way to find exactly the kind of clients you want.

Why use a business page instead of a personal account?

I see plenty of people who set their name as “Jane Doe Lmt” and just continue to use their personal account to drum up business. For those who don’t mind mixing their business and personal affairs, that’s fine. There are, however, some excellent reasons to set up an official page: ... continue reading.