I Wrote a Book about Massage!

It’s called “Massage Is Weird,” and it’s about massage, communication, treating pain (and dealing with it yourself), and beating burnout. If that seems kind of broad… it is! This book is everything I know about being a massage therapist, with a special focus on living a life of quiet satisfaction. Click here to order (eBook and softcover versions available), or continue below to read some samples.

Text: "Beat burnout. Communicate effectively. Prevent pain and make more money."

Who is this book for? It’s for new massage therapists who are still trying to find their place in the massage world. Do you need to work for someone and give up 75% of your income for the first 5 years, or can you skip to the part where you’re paid what you’re worth? Is wrist pain and thumb pain a necessary part of the process, or can you skip that too? Why is pain so mysterious, and why aren’t you producing all those massage miracles that you see the gurus talk about?

It’s for long-time massage therapists too. Maybe you’re feeling stuck working for a terrible boss, or stuck in a routine that isn’t working for you. We’ll talk about how to branch out as a bodyworker and take those first steps toward a sustainable, satisfying business. We’ll face burnout head-on, putting out the little fires created by a chaotic work environment as well as tackling the big heavy blanket of disillusionment. You can recapture the magic of massage, and it can be easy and freeing.

It’s for my fellow anxious types and introverts. Massage is weird, and it can be a lot to handle when you get easily overwhelmed by thoughts of intimacy and difficult conversations. We’ll work through it together. We’ll talk about setting and enforcing boundaries, and what happens when they get fuzzy. I’ll walk you through an ideal first appointment with a new client, from the moment they walk in to easy re-booking. We’ll talk about creeper-proofing your practice, as well as simple, low-stress ways to rid your schedule of clients who are a poor fit.

If you’re a massage therapist or student, I think you’ll find something worthwhile here.

Click on “free preview” above or on the store page if you’d like to read a sample of my book before buying. If you’ve never purchased an eBook before, just realize that you can read them using the free Kindle app on your phone or iPad. You don’t need a dedicated device, it keeps your place for you, and there is no chance of nasty papercuts!

Thanks for considering my book. It took me six years to write, and it’s pretty much everything I know about massage. Once you’ve read it, I’d love a review! You can leave one on Amazon here, and/or on Goodreads here. I appreciate you!

6 thoughts on “I Wrote a Book about Massage!

  1. YES!!! Oh my gosh how perfect and exciting! Congratulations and thank you! Just ordered. Thank you for all your various contributions. I have learned so much from your youtube tutorials that I regularly incorporate into my practice. Thanks to your offerings, I have gained much needed skills, confidence, and a sense camaraderie. Also some much needed laughter as you are hilarious. So much gratitude!

    1. Ditto to everything Sarah said! 🙂 …seriously Ian, I wouldn’t have made it through school and into this career without your videos-you rock! So excited to read the book after Amazon whisks it to my door ASAP ;)…I’ll then post those reviews (which I know will already be that it’s fabulous!)..keep up all your awesome work!

  2. Thank you for writing this book. I follow your videos and you are an inspiration and I look forward to reading your wise words. I could use some for sure.

  3. Been following you for some time now. I was so excited to see your book. I bought it as soon as it came out. Just started reading it today though. I know. Procrastinator. I’m already in love with how realistic and raw and truthful you are, and how it addresses the way, I assume, many feel about their therapy approach as well. I haven’t gotten far yet in the book but I’m really looking forward to what I’m going to learn here. Love the cartoons and drawings. Thank you for helping me feel confident and secure, knowing that my intentions matter in my massage.

  4. Hi Ian! Thank you so much for writing your book. I asked for it for Christmas, and I have been slowly reading it ever since. It was like a favorite tv show that I didn’t want to end, so I was subconsciously rationing myself! I realized I was delaying the inevitable and finished reading it this morning. Your perspective is a breath of fresh air. The respect and freedom you offer to yourself and others is an inspiration. Thank you for all the effort you have invested to assist others on their journey! I hope you feel appreciated and encouraged today!

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